Warm Winter Salad with Beetroot & Goats Cheese

PREP: 10 Minutes
COOK: 25 Minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Picture of a Warm Winter Salad

Nutrition Info (Per Serving)

370 kcal Energy
25g Carbohydrate
14g Protein
22g (of which Sugar)
24g Fat
5g Fibre
10g (of which Saturated Fat)
0.9g Salt


  • 3 fresh beetroot
  • 200g cavolo nero, shredded
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tbsp walnut oil
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 100g soft goats cheese, e.g. Sussex Slipcote


  1. Boil the beetroot for 20-25 minutes until tender. Cool, peel and cut into wedges.
  2. Meanwhile, boil the Cavolo Nero for 6-8 minutes and drain
  3. Segment the orange reserving the excess juice. Whisk this juice with the oil, vinegar, honey and seasoning. Toss the Cavolo Nero, beetroot, orange segments and dressing together. Crumble the goats cheese on top of the salad and serve immediately.
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